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Gan Yumei, PhD graduate from our Department, has just received the Young Scholar Thesis Award 2020.

Gan Yumei, a PhD graduate from our Department who is now an Assistant Professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University- School of Media and Communication, has just received the Young Scholar Thesis Award 2020. It is an annual award and only one person can receive this award in each Faculty at CUHK. Her thesis title is “Choreographing Affective Relationships across Distances: Multigenerational Engagement in Video Calls between Migrant Parents and Their Left-behind Children in China”. This thesis is an exceptionally innovative, exciting and original study of video-mediated conversation in migrant families. While the phenomenon of ‘left-behind children’ has been the subject of many previous studies, this is the first that examines how parents and children actually ‘do’ family in their video calls. Congratulations to Yumei and her thesis supervisor Prof. Christian Greiffenhagen!

甘雨梅是社會學系的一名博士畢業生,及後獲上海交通大學媒體與傳播學院聘請為一名助理教授,她的論文獲得了 “CUHK Young Scholars Thesis Award 2020″,這是一個年度頒發的獎項,每個學院只有一位學生可以獲此殊榮。

她的論文課題為 “Choreographing Affective Relationships across Distances: Multigenerational Engagement in Video Calls between Migrant Parents and Their Left-behind Children in China”,這篇原創論文深入研究了在外務工家庭的視頻交流現象,立意新穎,令人振奮。


在此恭喜雨梅和她的論文導師Prof. Christian Greiffenhagen!