Seminar / Workshop Details
Talk on “Sociology Distinguished Lecture: Family Transitions in China since 1949”
Professor Martin K. Whyte, Harvard University
Professor Deborah Davis, Yale University
08 January 2015 (Thursday)
Conference room (Room 422), 4/F, Sino Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

The Department is privileged to have invited Prof. Martin K. Whyte, John Zwaanstra Professor of International Studies and Sociology at Harvard University, and Prof. Deborah Davis, Professor of Sociology at Yale University, as guest speakers for the Sociology Distinguished Lecture entitled “Family Transitions in China since 1949” on 8 January 2015. Prof. Whyte presented a lecture on “Understanding Family Change Patterns in the PRC”. Prof. Davis presented a lecture on “Sociologists Look East: How Empirical Evidence on Chinese Families Can Challenge Dominant Assumptions and Paradigms in the Study of Marriage and the Family”. The lecture drew an audience of over 100 participants.