Seminar / Workshop Details
Brothers and Sisters in China: No Longer the One-child Family
Professor Chen Bin-Bin, Fudan University
20 November 2020 (Friday)
1500 - 16:30 pm
Webinar via ZOOM
(852) 2603 7619

Abstract of the talk

Following the end of the one-child-policy in China in 2016 and the gradual relaxation of only-one child per family in selected areas prior to that, family composition and relationship dynamics,  specially siblings relationship within the Chinese familial context has gone through a rapid growth and some significant changes as a result of the introduction of the two-child policy. This policy  hange, leading to the possibility of adding another child into the family may have profound implications on the family system, its functioning and care relations among those living in China.

This presentation will review empirical findings to answer two questions: How do Chinese parents raise two children within a family? Does parents’ own sibling status matter?

About the speaker

Bin-Bin Chen, PhD, is an Associate Professor at Department of Psychology, Fudan University, China. His research interests include various aspects of family relationships and the social and  motional development of child and adolescent. He is also the Principal Investigator of the Fudan Sibling Project (FSP), a longitudinal investigation exploring changes in family functioning and the firstborn’s adjustment after the birth of a second child, which has received funding from the National Natural Science Foundation of China. He has publications in journals such as Developmental Psychology, Development and Psychopathology, Journal of Research on Adolescence, and Child Development Perspectives. He was the 2017 recipient of Chinese Young Scholar Award, The 10th Conference for Chinese Psychologist.

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