HAN Siqi
Assistant Professor
Research Opportunities
Area/ Project Title Open for
  • Knowledge cross-fertilization in college curriculum
  • College experiences and their long-term impacts on economic and non-economic wellbeing
  • Changing Labor market skill demands in the context of the fourth industrialization
  • MPhil/ Ph.D. in Sociology
  • Computational Social Science PhD Fellowship Scheme (CSSPFS)
  • Research Assistant/ Research Associate
Research Interests
  • Social Stratification
  • Science, Technology, and Society
  • Computational Social Science
Area Supervisee
Higher Education, Knowledge LI Yue (Ph.D. in Sociology (CSSPFS))
Higher Education, Labor Market SHEN Lifeng (Ph.D. in Sociology)
Professions, Expertise CAI Siman (Ph.D. in Sociology)
Selected Grants
Year Title of the Grant Project Title
2023-2024 Direct Grant, Faculty of Social Science, CUHK Principle Investigator – “Interdisciplinarity: Methodological advances in measurement and implications on individual’s labor market returns”
2021-2022 One-Year Seed Grant for College and Beyond II Preliminary Stage. ICPSR, University of Michigan “Measuring Liberal Arts Education: Interdisciplinarity, Gender Representation in Knowledge, and Outcomes After College”
Current Projects
Project Title Description
Knowledge cross-fertilization in college curriculum A series of NLP-driven projects looking at knowledge structure in college teaching and academic research, as well as their alignment
College experiences and their long-term impacts on economic and non-economic wellbeing Merging textual, administrative and survey data in higher education to create a new data structure that paints a more well-rounded picture of college learning and post-graduation outcomes
Changing Labor market skill demands in the context of the fourth industrialization Using large scale online-scraped labor market data to examine changing skill demands
Selected Publications
S. Han., M. Yao. Who earns the iron rice bowl? Major marketability and state sector jobs among college-educated workers in urban China. Chinese Journal of Sociology, Forthcoming.
Han, Siqi, Jack LaViolette, Chad Borkenhagen, William McAllister, and Peter S. Bearman. (2022) “Interdisciplinary college curriculum and its labor market implications.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120, no. 43 (2023): e2221915120.
S. Han. (2021). Reproducing the Working Class? Incongruence between the Valuation of Social-Emotional Skills in School and in the Labor Market. Sociological Perspectives, 64(3):467-487.
W. Fan., S. Han. (2020). Explaining Cross-national Variation in the Health Benefits of Tertiary Education: What are the Roles of the Skills Gap and the Earnings Gap?. European Sociological Review, 36(6): 957-975.
Han, Siqi, Dmitry Tumin, and Zhenchao Qian. (2016) “Gendered transitions to adulthood by college field of study in the United States.” Demographic Research 35: 929.
S. Han., C. Buchmann. (2016). Aligning Science Achievement and STEM Expectations for College Success: A Comparative Study of Curricular Standardization. The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences, 2(1): 192-211.
S. Han. (2016). Staying in STEM or Changing Course: Are Natives and Immigrants Pursuing the Path of Least Resistance?. Social Science Research, 58: 165-183.
S. Han., C. Buchmann. Gender Differences in STEM Persistence: The Role of Grade Growth and Biased Assessments of Brilliance. RC 28 Spring Conference (2023), Paris.
S. Han., S. Cheng. Diversified Jobs or Diversified Skills: Skill Diversity and Inequality in the Polarized Labor Market. American Sociological Association Annual Meeting (2023), Philadelphia.
  • SOCI 5643 Doing Class in Everyday Life
  • SOCI 3240 Social Studies of Science
  • SOCI 3102 Social Networks and Social Capital
  • SOCI 3002 Social Stratification