Studying sociology at CUHK has affirmed my passion for leveraging research in advocating for social change.
As sociology students, we should and could contribute to sustainable future development with our attention to the interactive dimensions of individuals, societies and the environment.
我讀社會學碩士純粹為興趣,其實與本科及本身職業毫無關係。記得二年前報讀社會學碩士,很多人問我,讀來做甚麼? 對事業有幫助嗎? 為何不讀法律碩士?…
在修讀社會學文學碩士課程的時候,我正在香港婦女勞工協會工作,那時每天都會接觸到不同背景的基層女工 …
Students will acquire sociological knowledge in their junior year, and progress to rigorous training of methodological skills…