LI Yuet Man

PhD, HKPFS awardee, 2016

Research Interests
  1. Organizational Studies
  2. Sociology of Education
  3. Youth Studies

Lui, PK, Benjamin Li YM, Sun YF, and Liu YH (2015). Sociology, Hear and Say. Beijing: Chinese Social Sciences Press. [in Chinese, a supplementary textbook for introduction to sociological theory, contributing to the sections on Scientific Research Program, Scientific Revolution versus Scientific Growth, Mechanistic Causality, Consilience of induction, etc.]

Book Chapters

Cheung Yuk Man, Li Yuet Man Benjamin, and Ho Ching Wai. (in press) “Foreseeing the new educational dream just before the post-industrial reality: equality, mobility, and the expansion of upper secondary schools in Hong Kong in the 1980s” in High School for all in East Asia: Comparing Experiences. eds. by Shinichi Aizawa, Mei Kagawa and Jeremy Rappleye, New York: Routledge, pp. 155-178.

Li, B.Y.M., Siu, K.& Chiu, S.W.K. (2016). “Teenagers beyond mainstream academic track: when will they start to plan their life”, in Chiu, S.W.K., Ip, C.Y.& Li, H. (ed). Zao dong qing chun: Observation of situations of new generation in Hong Kong, Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Co. [in Chinese]

Journal Articles

Kwan, P., & Li, B. Y. M. (2015). Empowerment or impediment? School governance in the school-based management era in Hong Kong. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 35(3), 319-330.

Kwan, P, &, Li, B.Y.M. (2016), “Striving for a way out from a rock and a hard place: Vice-principals’ development in Hong Kong “, International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, 5(3), pp.239 – 252